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On August 29, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps”) released the text of a rule further revising the definition of “waters of the United States” (“WOTUS”) that the agencies had finalized earlier this year (the “January 2023 Rule”).
V&E Environmental Update
In a concerted effort to meet the Biden administration’s aggressive carbon-reduction goals, the Department of Energy (“DOE”) unveiled a pre-publication copy of a forthcoming proposed rule on August 10, 2023, aimed at fast-tracking the development of high-voltage electric transmission facilities.
V&E Energy Update
On May 25, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its decision in Sackett v. EPA,1 clarifying and narrowing the reach of federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced it will continue to prioritize enforcement of, and compliance with, the Safe Drinking Water Act and federal drinking water regulations through Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2027, according to a January 12, 2023 notice.