Vinson & Elkins Secures Appellate Ruling Affirming $93 Million Judgment

On April 19, 2024, a Vinson & Elkins appellate team secured the affirmance of an approximately $93 million judgment for Huntsman Corporation, a publicly traded global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated and specialty chemicals, in connection with that company’s long-running court battle against Praxair/Linde, one of the industrial gas suppliers to Huntsman’s Geismar, Louisiana methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) manufacturing site.
The case involved the breach of a requirements contract by Praxair/Linde for the supply of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, gases needed for Huntsman to manufacture MDI at its Geismar facility.
On April 29, 2022, following a three-week trial in Orleans Civil District Court, the 12-person jury took less than three hours to render its almost $93 million verdict, unanimously finding that Praxair breached its promises to Huntsman and that those breaches directly caused Huntsman substantial financial damages.
Partner Marie Yeates led the appellate briefing and presented oral argument on behalf of Huntsman before Louisiana’s Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal. Following re-argument before a five-judge panel, the appellate court fully affirmed the trial court’s judgment for Huntsman.
The Vinson & Elkins appellate team also included partner Michael Heidler, with assistance from associate Garrett Meisman. The Vinson & Elkins trial team—consisting of partners Jim Thompson, Chris Popov, and Quentin Smith, as well as senior associate Aurra Fellows — likewise provided invaluable support.
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