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7 results
Palmina Fava
Partner — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
Mike Scarborough
Craig P. Seebald
Partner — Antitrust
Washington, D.C.
When a cartel investigation starts, our clients typically face investigations in multiple jurisdictions. We develop and execute strategies to navigate the complexities of defending our clients in those jurisdictions. Our work starts on day one of the investigation and we support our clients every step of the way.
Christopher Taufatofua of Vinson & Elkins London
Partner — Energy & Infrastructure
Darren Tucker
Partner — Antitrust
Washington, D.C.
My practice deals with some of the most cutting-edge antitrust issues in the world. My work requires that I advocate for clients in complex matters where the law is often unsettled. I enjoy that challenge and I'm always working to find creative solutions for the companies I represent.
Hill Wellford
Partner — Antitrust
Washington, D.C.
I work with creative people, risk-takers. When their moonshots succeed, they draw antitrust attention. To counsel and advocate for them, I first have to learn about the ways in which they are changing whole industries – that’s fascinating to me.
Greg Wells
Counsel — Antitrust
Washington, D.C.