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26 results
Keith Fullenweider
Our private equity lawyers have an excellent combination of technical skill and commercial practicality that enables us to understand what our clients are looking for, and to help them accomplish their goals.
Sean Becker
Partner — Labor & Employment
Employment-related challenges can present some of the most important, and sensitive, issues that our clients face. I help them manage those matters by leveraging my experience as a litigator, transactional lawyer and advisor. Together, my colleagues and I provide highly practical, commercial advice and resolve sensitive employment matters efficiently and effectively.
Doug Bland
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects
In my career I’ve touched on all aspects of the energy transactional spectrum. The experiences I have in one sector help me solve problems in others. In my view, the more diverse your practice is, the more you can bring to the table for your client.
Mark Brasher of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects
Lauren Davies
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects
Kilian de Cintré of Vinson & Elkins London
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects
John Decker
Partner — Energy Regulation
Washington, D.C.
I like that my practice involves building energy infrastructure. Our clients are developing or expanding their businesses, and our help—whether guiding them through the regulatory process or setting up and implementing transactions—allows them to put steel in the ground.
Jeffrey Jakubiak
Partner — Energy Regulation
Washington, D.C.
I was drawn to energy regulatory law by the fact that economics is integral to so much of what we do as lawyers in this area. My first academic love was quantitative economics and I bring this background and experience to much of my law practice, which often involves energy markets, ratemaking, accounting, and finance.
Nabil L. Khodadad
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects
Damien Lyster
Partner — Energy Regulation
Washington, D.C.
Alexander Msimang
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects
I love the global nature of what I do. On any given day, I'm talking to clients in Brazil and an opposite number in Paris, and a lender in New York, and a buyer in Madrid. I don't know whether it's an art or a science, but explaining to a West African energy minister and a New York investment banker and a Brazilian oil and gas engineer how the deal has to work so they will all understand it and benefit from it is a consistent challenge and a lot of fun.
Andrew Nealon
Partner — Energy Transactions & Projects