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20 results
Steven M. Abramowitz
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Benji Barron
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity
Abby Branigan
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets
Jeff Crough
Partner — Complex Commercial Litigation
Katherine Terrell Frank
Partner — Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions
Patrick Gadson
Partner — Shareholder Activism and Mergers & Acquisitions
Dan Komarek
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity
I’ve built long-term relationships with clients based upon taking care of their needs, regardless of what they may be, and by being responsive, effective, and efficient in achieving their goals.
Brett F. Peace
Counsel — Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions
Jon Solorzano
Counsel — Environmental, Social & Governance
Los Angeles
I really enjoy helping my clients develop and implement practical and strategic solutions that anticipate and address the ever-evolving needs of their shareholders and other critical stakeholders
Stacey Neumann Vu
Counsel — Commercial & Business Litigation
Steven Zundell
Counsel — Restructuring & Reorganization