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Partner — Tax
I enjoy partnering with my clients to help them understand complex tax issues and solve tax problems in creative ways. The added bonus of my practice is that I get to work with great people both inside and outside the firm.
Partner — Tax
Los Angeles
Renewable projects and business models involve complex technologies, counter-parties, and tax structures. I provide tax counsel on both the tax equity and project developer side to help clients navigate these challenges. I particularly enjoy working closely with my clients to adapt traditional project development and finance methods to suit their unique business models and close on their financing transactions.
Partner — Tax
I love the intricacy of the tax code, and the fact that everything I do is like a little puzzle. I take the facts and I take the law and I say, 'How do I fit these together to get the best result for the client?' It can be challenging, but it’s always interesting. I’m helping people get the business deals that they want done in a timely, effective and efficient manner.
Partner — Tax Equity, Renewables & Project Finance
Los Angeles
Partner — Tax
Partner — Project Development, Acquisition and Finance
Los Angeles
While our primary goal is effectively representing our client, structuring financing for a renewable energy project requires a consideration of everyone’s objectives. Regardless of the form of investment, successful project financings are essentially partnerships that must deliver value to all involved.
Partner — Tax
I love the collaborative, creative and diverse nature of my practice. I enjoy working with broad teams of clients and other advisors from a wide range of industries, both domestically and around the world.
Partner — Tax
Los Angeles
Clients appreciate that I provide a broader prospective when delivering advice, having spent over 20 years in renewable energy doing everything from working in an in-house capacity, to serving in a senior business role, to leading renewable energy and infrastructure practice groups at major law firms.
Partner — Tax
As technology and power generation have continued to evolve and grow exponentially, we have evolved as well by innovating financial and legal structuring and finding solutions that are embraced by all stakeholders in the zero and carbon neutral power space.
Partner — Tax
What I like most about my practice is the people. Transactional lawyers across the firm and their clients rely heavily on tax support, so those of us in the tax group get to meet and interact with so many people and work on a large variety of transactions. I love making personal connections and it’s great to help other lawyers and their clients.
Partner — Finance
New York
I help clients structure transactions that are protective of their investments and objectives and also work for all involved. This is particularly important in renewable energy transactions and often requires creativity because commercial and tax considerations need to be carefully balanced.
Partner — Tax