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13 results
Vanessa Griffith
General Counsel, Partner
Rebecca Baker
Partner — Labor & Employment
In today’s landscape, it is easy for employers to be overwhelmed by the ever-evolving aspects of employment law at the federal, state and even local level. Relying on my years of experience addressing unique labor and employment topics for employers in multi-state jurisdictions and across industry sectors, I enjoy helping clients navigate employment matters with a level of confidence that, not only are they acting in compliance with applicable law, but also in a practical and efficient manner from a business perspective.
Sean Becker
Partner — Labor & Employment
Employment-related challenges can present some of the most important, and sensitive, issues that our clients face. I help them manage those matters by leveraging my experience as a litigator, transactional lawyer and advisor. Together, my colleagues and I provide highly practical, commercial advice and resolve sensitive employment matters efficiently and effectively.
Hill Wellford
Partner — Antitrust
Washington, D.C.
I work with creative people, risk-takers. When their moonshots succeed, they draw antitrust attention. To counsel and advocate for them, I first have to learn about the ways in which they are changing whole industries – that’s fascinating to me.
Christopher V. Bacon
Counsel — Labor & Employment
I used to say that what I liked most about my job was trying cases. I still get a rush whenever I try a case to a jury, but when I really think about what I love most about being a labor and employment lawyer it's my long lasting friendships with talented human resources leaders who have trusted me to be a part of their team.
Alex Bluebond
Counsel — Labor & Employment
Erik C. Shallman
Counsel — Intellectual Property
Phileda Tennant of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Counsel — Labor & Employment
Aamir Siddik
Senior Associate — Complex Commercial Litigation
Andrew Cox
Associate — Labor & Employment
Peter Goetschel
Associate — Labor & Employment
Jordan Peck of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Associate — Labor & Employment