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31 results
Jamie Leader
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Pat Mizell
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Stephanie Noble
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Chris Popov
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Jason Powers of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
l want my clients to know I understand their business and where they're coming from. I want to learn what they do, how they do it, and why they do it. I talk to everyone I can, from the general counsel to the front lines—because if I’m going to tell my client’s story, I need to be able to do it in their voice.
Nicholas Nathaniel Shum
Partner — Energy Litigation
Quentin L. Smith
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
He's a really talented lawyer. [Chambers USA, 2023]
Matt Stammel
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Ronald J. Tenpas
Partner — Environmental & Natural Resources
Washington, D.C.
My Justice Department experience helps clients make smart decisions about when to look to settle, and when to fight.
Jim Thompson of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Michelle Arishita
Counsel — Commercial & Business Litigation
Matthew Hoffman
Counsel — Commercial & Business Litigation