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10 results
Vanessa Griffith
General Counsel, Partner
Sean Becker
Partner — Labor & Employment
Employment-related challenges can present some of the most important, and sensitive, issues that our clients face. I help them manage those matters by leveraging my experience as a litigator, transactional lawyer and advisor. Together, my colleagues and I provide highly practical, commercial advice and resolve sensitive employment matters efficiently and effectively.
Michael S. Dry
Partner — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
Washington, D.C.
In what I do, there are clear winners and clear losers. I’m often entrusted with preserving someone’s freedom or a company’s very existence, so I’m committed to moving the chess pieces around so that my clients are on the winning side.
Jeremy C. Marwell
Partner — Appellate
Washington, D.C.
James G. McGovern Vinson Elkins Partner Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
Partner — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
Jamie Tabb
Partner — Government Contracts
Washington, D.C.
My practice tends to be different every day, from litigating bid protests and contract disputes, to advising on compliance and contract interpretation issues, to assisting with corporate transactions. And because of the range of businesses in which my clients are engaged, it’s a continual learning experience. That’s incredibly energizing.
George Zachary Terwilliger
Partner — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
Washington, D.C.
Piloting clients and their corporate entities through the tumultuous and complex waters of internal and government investigations is our role and one that I find incredibly rewarding.
Jim Thompson of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Ephraim (Fry) Wernick 4x5
Partner — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
Washington, D.C.
My clients know that I am on their team and that their problems are my problems, and most importantly, that I will fight for them every step of the way.
Daniel T. Wallmuth
Counsel — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
Washington, D.C.