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34 results
Michael Charlson
Partner — Shareholder Litigation & Enforcement
San Francisco
Los Angeles
I like to get my hands dirty and really learn my cases thoroughly. I try to understand how the situation in which the client finds itself could have happened. And I'm pretty good at creating a narrative so that laypeople who have no familiarity with a very complicated business or technology can understand the matter.
Rebecca Fike
Partner — Shareholder Litigation & Enforcement, Government Investigations & White Collar Defense
Rebecca Fike brings a wealth of experience from her time in the SEC. She is noted for her in-depth knowledge of securities and her ability to handle complex investigations on behalf of clients. . . . She really knows how to effectively guide her clients in this space [Chambers Review].
Christopher W. James
Partner — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense
San Francisco
Los Angeles
Jeffrey S. Johnston
Partner — Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense, Shareholder Litigation & Enforcement
[Jeff] is a strong advocate who knows how to gain the trust of his clients. . . . He is a very impressive lawyer who knows how to command a room. [Chambers Review]
George M. Kryder
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Pat Mizell
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Jason Powers of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
l want my clients to know I understand their business and where they're coming from. I want to learn what they do, how they do it, and why they do it. I talk to everyone I can, from the general counsel to the front lines—because if I’m going to tell my client’s story, I need to be able to do it in their voice.
Quentin L. Smith
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
He's a really talented lawyer. [Chambers USA, 2023]
Matt Stammel
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation
Craig Zieminski
Partner — Commercial & Business Litigation