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20 results
Steven M. Abramowitz
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Brad Foxman
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Paul Heath
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
George Howard
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Lauren R. Kanzer
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
David S. Meyer
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Jessica C. Peet
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Brett M. Santoli
Partner — Finance
I have a broad base of experience in the finance area — there's very little I haven't seen and done. I draw on that experience when structuring deals for my clients to think through complicated problems and anticipate variables and outcomes.
Bill Wallander
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Bill is an extremely talented lawyer. He is constructive and is a great presence in court and great with documents. He is significantly involved in the restructuring bar activities outside of his core clients. (Chambers USA, 2022)
James J. Lee
Senior Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Bankruptcy litigation has an interesting, complex, ever-changing dynamic because the various parties are not always aligned on every issue. There’s a sense of urgency because resolution of the matters in dispute have consequences for the overall bankruptcy case. That’s what gets me excited about the work.
Of Counsel — Restructuring & Reorganization
Matt Pyeatt
Counsel — Restructuring & Reorganization