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35 results
Jim Fox
Vice Chair
When we work with a client, we become part of their trusted advisory team. We like to be there every step of the way, from the inception through the completion of an investment cycle. That's why they call us.
Steven M. Abramowitz
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
East Berhane of Vinson and Elkins Dallas
Partner — Finance
Mike Bielby
Partner — Finance
The most interesting part for me is learning about how both my lender and borrower clients make money. Learning about their businesses, how they achieve success, and how they plan to continue that success. That understanding allows me to offer better counsel on a given transaction.
Abby Branigan
Partner — Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets
Brad Foxman
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Paul Heath
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Benjamin Heriaud of Vinson and Elkins New York
Partner — Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions
Our team approach delivers value to our clients. We learn their business needs, simplify the complex and recommend commercial solutions.
Mark Holmes of Vinson and Elkins Houston
Partner — Finance
Mark is “incredibly commercially minded, very smart and dedicated and able to get projects done.” His “client service, level of sophistication and commercial vision are very strong. He’s a great attorney and we’re thankful to have his partnership.” [Chambers USA, 2023]
George Howard
Partner — Restructuring & Reorganization
Lucy M. Jenkins
Partner — Finance
I've been lucky to do all sorts of financing for all sorts of clients. I love being involved in transactions, and working with various parties, from the conception of an idea, all the way through to an exit, and on anything and everything that comes up along the way.
Niels Jensen
Partner — Finance
He is really thoughtful with great awareness of both real-time commercial and financial matters. He knows how to balance rigorous protection of client interests with finding common ground with all parties. (Chambers USA, 2023)