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Congressional Investigations & Crisis Management

The Legal 500 US: Government – Government Relations – Congressional Investigations, 2023-2024
Congressional Investigations
A uniquely Washington, inside-the-beltway scenario, congressional investigations lack the typical procedural and jurisprudential guardrails found in criminal investigations or litigation with judicial oversight. By their very nature, congressional investigations are driven by politics, preconceived narratives, and frequently pit one viewpoint against its diametric opposite. Further, congressional investigations are intentionally public proceedings with much of the investigative activity and questioning of witnesses occurring in front of both the public and well-sourced D.C. reporters.
As former high-ranking government officials, congressional counselors, investigators and staffers, Senate-confirmed United States Attorneys, Department of Justice crisis managers, and numerous federal prosecutors, the skills and strategies we utilize to respond to congressional investigations frequently draw on our knowledge and experience managing them for congressional members and committees. As a result, V&E’s team has a deep understanding of the political processes that are germane to different Senate and House committees and subcommittees, as well as strong ties with members and staff on both sides of the aisle. Our team has a first-hand understanding of counseling and preparing corporate and individual clients called to testify before Congress, as reflected by the clients we have represented in connection with some of the highest-profile matters in recent years. In sum, whether it is a congressional hearing, committee subpoena or informal inquiry from a member’s staff, V&E is uniquely positioned to help you respond to Congress and proactively manage the situation and minimize—or maximize—the impact that it has on you and your reputation.
Finally, we understand that the high stakes, highly publicized nature of congressional investigations can be overwhelming and must be managed to protect both our clients and their overall business objectives and interests. Our attorneys are adept at assisting clients with public communication strategies that manage risk, mitigate liability and protect against reputational harm. We also work closely with those in V&E’s Government Investigations and White Collar Defense, Compliance, and other relevant practice groups across the firm, to provide a full suite of services to clients facing congressional action that can lay the groundwork for a successful business outcome.
Crisis Management
In recent years, V&E clients have faced congressional scrutiny in connection with many controversial allegations — from collaborating with a Chinese research facility suspected of starting the COVID-19 pandemic, to claims of market manipulation in the trading of meme stocks, to allegations of facilitating the attacks on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Each time, clients called on V&E to manage the crisis and correct the narrative. V&E’s clients know that the firm is adept at developing alliances on the Hill so they are best positioned to navigate the inquiry and, where needed, push back aggressively, so that they can return to business as normal.
V&E’s Congressional Investigations & Crisis Management team stands ready to provide a steady hand during difficult times with the goal of a better tomorrow for you and your company.
Experience Highlights
Defended a social media company against a congressional investigation and subsequent referral for criminal prosecution by the U.S. House Committee for Oversight and Reform stemming from the company’s alleged involvement in the attacks on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. V&E conducted an internal investigation and executed a comprehensive legal and media strategy that exposed new information to the public to dispel the incorrect public narrative, rehabilitate the company’s image, and facilitate the company’s return to viability
Represent and counsel a Main Street client that was thrust into the spotlight after its stock price soared after becoming the subject of heavy “meme stock” trading. The company engaged V&E to respond to congressional requests and media scrutiny, and to design and execute a strategy to correct inaccurate reporting and allow the company to return to business as usual
Represent major university institutions in connection with congressional and federal investigations concerning alleged research and collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (the “Wuhan Lab”) and the “lab leak” origin theory of the COVID-19 pandemic. The client engaged V&E to design and execute a comprehensive legal, investigative and media strategy to respond to conspiracy theory-fueled investigations and dispel the negative disinformation campaign in favor of accurate messaging about the client and essential work it has been doing to respond to the pandemic
Represent a high-level Department of Justice official in connection with congressional and federal investigations into the prosecution and sentencing of Roger Stone, a former political advisor to President Donald J. Trump
Represent a senior healthcare executive in connection with an investigation by the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis concerning alleged favoritism by the healthcare provider to provide early access to COVID-19 vaccines to ineligible people. V&E conducted an internal investigation to rebut the baseless allegations and demonstrate that the executive has acted honorably and in accordance with established policies and guidelines at all times
Represented major U.S. financial institution during investigation by the House Financial Services Committee of foreclosure practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Represented major U.S. airline during investigation by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the mishaps of Boeing 737 Max aircraft
Represented multi-billion defense contractor and worked with lobbyist and media relations teams to develop strategy that successfully prevented a formal investigation of the client
Represented former senior Trump campaign official in multiple congressional investigations regarding the Trump campaign and inauguration
Represented senior State Department official when subpoenaed to testify as part of the House of Representatives impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump; client ultimately did not testify and suffered no consequences
Represented senior State Department official subpoenaed to testify in congressional investigation related to allegations that a Cabinet secretary misused government resources for personal benefit
Represented senior State Department official subpoenaed to testify in connection with investigation of arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Represented oil and gas services provider in investigation related to chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas field development
Represented a central participant in the wide-ranging Whitewater Investigation, including investigations by the independent counsel, a House of Representatives committee, the Senate Select Committee, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), the FDIC Inspector General, the Resolution Trust Corporation (“RTC”) and the RTC Inspector General; our representation included representing several witnesses who testified before the Senate Select Committee, including one witness whose testimony was carried live on national network television; at the conclusion of the investigation, the ABA Journal published a cover story describing the partisan accusations made against our client as a “Bum Rap”
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